
Reducing our environmental footprint

Climate pillar

​Our ambition is to become one of the most sustainable chemical companies in Europe. Reducing our CO₂ emissions and increasing our share of renewable energy to achieve climate neutrality in our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040, ahead of the Paris Agreement targets, is a key element of our ambitious goals. We have concrete action plans based on existing and proven technologies. We will accelerate our ambitions by 2030 through tailor-made agreements with the Dutch government. ​

Our approach and goals are built around three focus areas, each with  concrete targets, as shown below. Read more about our path to carbon neutrality by 2040 or our climate case studies.

Ahead of the Paris Agreement

We plan to meet our climate targets ahead of the Paris Agreement by becoming carbon neutral in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040. In addition, we have calculated our Scope 3 emissions for the full range of relevant categories, and we have set a target to reduce those emissions by 50% by 2040. We also aim to help our customers reduce their carbon footprint through our low-carbon products, accelerate growth in new markets that will have a positive impact on our world, and engage meaningfully with our employees, stakeholders and communities.  

Accelerating our climate targets

In order to accelerate the reduction of our CO₂ emissions, Nobian has signed tailor-made agreements with the Dutch government. This cooperation is part of the Dutch tailor-made agreements approach to enable energy-intensive companies in the Netherlands to reduce their CO₂ emissions faster and beyond the Dutch Climate Agreement. Through the tailor-made agreements, Nobian intends to accelerate its aim of zero emissions in 2040 by 10 years, to become CO₂ neutral by around  2030. 

Read more about our tailor-made agreements  

UN-aligned Vision 2045

We are proud to be part of the UN-aligned Vision 2045 campaign.

<<  Please watch Nobian's video showing how we are putting our Grow Greener Together sustainability strategy into practice with a number of concrete projects.